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Best Baby Buys For Us So Far

On this page I thought I'd collate the things that we found to be our best buys since our son was born.

1.  http://www.cheekywipes.com/

I thought I would share with you one thing we bought not long after our son was born, and we think they're fantastic. They're reusable baby wipes and it's such a simple idea.

We haven't bought any disposable wipes for over nine months, and when you add up how much most people spend on wipes over the lifetime of a baby you can make quite a saving! Of course you'll make even more of a saving if you hang on to them and use them with baby number 2!

For those of you wondering, there's no smell from the used wipes when the box is closed, and even my other half thinks they're fab! When the box is full you just lift the drawstring bag out of the box and pop it straight in to the washing machine and wash, you don't have to get your hands dirty!

We don't store the used wipes "wet" we just place them in the "dirty" box when they've been used.

2. Little Lamb Bamboo Wipes

These are reusable wipes again but we use them on our little fella's face, and they're very easy to distinguish them from the other wipes as you really don't want to get them all mixed up. We bought an extra clean box from Cheekywipes to keep them in.

3. Tomy Starlight Dreamshow
This was a god send for us when we had problems trying to get our son to sleep at night. It projects images on to the ceiling whilst playing soothing lullabies. He loves his dreamshow, to the extend that he points to it when we put him down to sleep to remind us to put it on for him.